Parent-Carer Workshops and Forums


Autumn Term

September 30th 10am Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools (Looking after me, looking after my child)

October 2nd Pathway Welcome events

November 6th 10am Parent/Carer Forum and Coffee morning: Short Breaks and Health Checks

December 9th 10am Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools (Growing and Changing)


Spring Term

January 27th 10am Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools (Looking after me, looking after my child)

February 3rd  10am AAC - coreboard and hi-tech users - led by therapists

February 12th 10am Parent/Carer Forum and Coffee morning: Therapy guests

February 13th 10am Respiratory Health and Dental Hygiene - led by therapists

Feb 24th 10am Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools (Growing and Changing)

February 27th 10am Respiratory Health and Dental Hygiene - led by therapists

March 3rd 10am Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools (Behaviour as Communication) 

Summer Term

April 28th 10am Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools (Looking after me, Looking After My Child)

June 4th 10am Parent/Carer Forum and Coffee morning: Wellbeing event including getting ready for the summer

July 21st 10am Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools (Growing and Changing).


Please contact Jenny Hatch (Family Liaison Officer) for further information 02088064638